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Alina Dheere is an artist who works with flowers and botanicals as her creative medium.
Born in Athens, she has lived and worked in London for over a decade and has a background in Art History, Theatre and Performance (Goldsmiths).

Alina worked at McQueens for several years, designing and creating with flowers for prestigious venues across Europe, Asia and the Middle East and has taught at the McQueens Flower School in London and Seoul, and the London Flower School.

She now works on a wide range of projects across different disciplines such as flower styling for advertising and editorial shoots, botanical set design and living scenographies for Film & Performance, multi-sensorial events, installation work, art direction, teaching and private commissions.

Alina uses flowers both as an artistic medium and a tool for communication focusing on visual storytelling often drawing from theatre and performance practices. She sees flowers as performative elements, never in a neutral state. She is constantly exploring how we experience nature’s relationship with technology and vice versa. 

Alina is based in London but also works worldwide on location.